Tuesday, March 07, 2006

I like to write. I have published articles in several magazines. However, I have not been able to write or publish a book yet. Non-fiction is my specialty. I have been a freelance writer since 1986. That's been twenty years. I did not realize it had been that long until just now.
I have a difficult time starting projects and ending projects. I experience difficulty with time management. I must plan to write or I won't accomplish anything.
I am totally new at blogging. This is my first blog. I think blogging will get me on the right track to writing something everyday.
I like cats and I love to read.
I have had several jobs in the past, but nothing satisfies me like writing. I am a former schoolteacher. I taught in the public school system for six and one-half years. I majored in elementary education. I did what my mother told me to do and it didn't work out for me. She was upset when I quit teaching to write.
That's all for now ...


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