Thursday, March 09, 2006

I missed yesterday because I had my computer and printer cleaned. I was without my computer for one whole day. It felt like something was wrong at home. There was an empty space where the computer was supposed to be.
I hope I don't miss any more days this year. But, the inevitable somehow happens regardless of whether we anticipate it or not. Something most always happens to wreck our plans, whether it be to write or to do something else.
I think that's what I'm afraid of. If I make any plans to write, my schedule will be messed up by something out of my control. I won't be able to stop whatever is coming my way.
Writers are supposed to anticipate setbacks. There are setbacks in all kinds of businesses. The key is to be able to keep on going once the setbacks have occurred. This is one of my writing goals this year.
To keep on writing, to keep on going, no matter what happens, to be persistent. To keep on starting everyday, to keep writing everyday.


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