Friday, March 10, 2006

This is the first time that I cannot think of anything to write about.
It is a beautiful day. The sunshine is out. There is a little breeze in the air. The temperatures are supposed to be in the 70's - the mid 70's at that - all next week. I think spring has arrived.
When there is nothing to write about, I guess the weather will have to do.
I would write about my cats. But that would probably be boring.
Anyway, Dale is my male tabby cat. He lives inside the house and is spoiled rotten. He will be sixteen years old in May. He talks constantly with his own "meow" opinions. He has been my constant companion since he was a little kitten. Everyone loves Dale because he is such a beautiful cat. He rarely meets strangers. He likes to be with people and likes to share his opinions with them.
Dale has a skin condition and a bladder problem, but these diseases can be controlled by daily medication.
It will be a sad day for me when Dale departs this world.
I told you it would be boring, but I wrote about Dale anyway. Next time, I'll inform you about my other cat, Montana.
At one time, I had seven cats, but now I have two.


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