Monday, March 13, 2006

Back to the cats. Montana and Dakota were close as a mother and daughter. They slept together. They played together. One day Montana was at the back of the deck - looking up the hill at the dirt road. Some dogs had been barking up there and I thought that Dakota had been killed - the way that Montana was looking back toward the hill. Montana quickly disappeared underneath the deck like she had been spooked. I never saw Dakota again so I thought she was dead.
That was until spring/summer of last year (2005). I saw another cat out there with Montana and they were sitting down together face to face. Montana never got close to an unfamiliar cat. My husband and I finally caught a glimpse of the other cat and it was Dakota! Her tail had been cut off into a bob tail, but it was the same cat! Someone had obviously taken care of her when I did not know where she had been.
I was not able to pick her up or hold Dakota again. There were some more dogs chasing her this time and she disappeared before we could claim her as ours.
Montana is lonely now without Dakota here. I think Montana is older than Dale. Montana has slowed down in her old age and she has become an inside cat. Montana lost her "meow" due to her previous starvation. However, Dale makes up for it big time.
I don't know what I will write about tomorrow.


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