Tuesday, March 14, 2006

I was trying to get some paperwork done this morning. Like everyone else, I have to pay the bills each month. Before I got finished, Dale came running upstairs and landed on the table where I was working.
I forgot to tell you that Dale also likes to eat paper. He will eat or chew on any kind of paper. He especially loves to eat fresh paper that's been crumpled.
So anytime I have paperwork to do, there Dale is - ready to chew on paper that's considered to be important. Sometimes I am able to finish my paperwork duties, but not this morning.
I will have to complete the rest of it either this afternoon or maybe, tomorrow morning. Dale has too much power in his own home. All he has to do is "meow" and I am there with him. Dale does take a lot of time out of my schedule.
It's bad when I have to blame my cat for not getting any work done at home, isn't it?
I have a lot of learned behaviors which need to be unlearned. I think it is more difficult to unlearn bad behaviors than it is to learn new behaviors. What do you think?


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