Wednesday, March 15, 2006

I don't know what to write about this morning, except that I must finish paying the bills this afternoon, regardless of Dale and his whereabouts. I'll be glad when spring gets here, then I can open the windows and Dale can sit in the window sills and enjoy the fresh air.
I caught up on some much needed reading yesterday afternoon. I love to read as much as I love to write. I have a whole cabinet full of books that I have not read. I have ordered them but have not had the chance or the time to read them. My husband shakes his head everytime I order a new book to read.
After I've read them, I plan to donate the books to my local library. When I was a child, I participated in the summer reading programs. I stayed at the library so much during the summertime.
There really wasn't that much for us to do in the summer when school was out. My younger brother and I always attended Vacation Bible School each year. Every day we both went to the city pool to swim. M two brothers and I took swimming lessons at an early age.
I swam and read books to keep occupied until school started again in the fall. My older brother found other things to do when school was out. He had the musical talent in the family. He would play the piano and his guitar.
That's all folks! Until next time ...


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