Thursday, March 23, 2006

The first day of spring was Monday, March 20. However, Georgia is expecting rain this afternoon with a chance of a wintry mix or snow either late Thursday night or early Friday morning. The temperatures are staying in the 50's during the day and the 30's at night.
Dale and Montana, my cats, are freezing both day and night. Dale and Montana, because they are experiencing the aging process, are already cold natured. The falling temperatures only make it worse for them.
I haven't been feeling too good this week either. I think it's due to the changing weather at this time of year. Both of my hands are freezing as I type this blog on the computer screen! Ouch!
I feel for those people who have recently accommodated both tornadoes and then more snowstorms in the midst of this coming spring. The loss of homes and businesses was especially devastating to those people. I will remember them in my prayers.
I can still remember the Blizzard of 1993 which occurred in March. There was no electricity for nine days. I remember it well ...


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