Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I got a quick study on ebay last evening. A friend of mine is helping me to get started on ebay. I have been out of work since November of 2005. So she is finding a new way for me to make some quick cash.
I worked a little more overtime yesterday. She didn't leave until about 6:00 p.m. So I was tired when she left. Just thinking about more stuff to learn had my head spinning when I went to bed last night. I could hardly go to sleep thinking about everything. You know, when your mind just won't quit working, even though you and your physical body are dead tired.
Everyone can relate to this. I am proud, though, of the new things I am learning to do with my computer. Who would have thought of all these things to do with this new technology?
The world is certainly spinning at a faster rate than it was when I was a child.
Perhaps it is flying by much too fast these days. It is difficult for the brain to comprehend it all.
I think I have just been taking baby steps when everybody else has been experiencing giant leaps.


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