Wednesday, March 22, 2006

This year I have been able to keep up with the television program "L-O-S-T." Last year I missed a few episodes and therefore, could not fully comprehend what was happening. What irritates me, though, is the constant going back-and-forth of the weekly episodes. One week is current and the next week is a rerun of say, 2004.
Although looking back through the 2004 episodes I have seen some shows that I had apparently missed in the past, it remains confusing to the television viewer.
Whatever happened to the good old days when a program was viewed in its entirety from September to May without a break in the episodes? And was also viewed in the same time spot each week?
Thanks to Dancing With The Stars and Skating With Celebrities, I have missed episodes of my other show - C.S.I. - this year. Now Extreme Home Makeover is having special episodes at the same time C.S.I. is on television tomorrow night.
Please believe me when I say that I have nothing against Extreme Home Makeover because my husband and I watch the show religiously every Sunday night. However, when moving television programs around, I wish the networks would show some compassion.
Oh, Hope and Faith was also moved from Friday nights due to the popularity of Ghost Whisperer. Now you can watch Hope and Faith on Tuesday nights after According To Jim. It's a good thing because Ghost Whisperer has become another good show to watch on Friday nights ...


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