Thursday, April 20, 2006

I have to readjust my schedule at home, now that I am working part-time hours during the week. Even working part-time hours throws my schedule at home off course.
I don't think men realize what an adjustment it is for a woman - especially when that woman is in the process of building her writing business or career at home. My husband must have money in the bank. Of course, I do too. I have to have money in the bank to pay for my writing supplies.
Oh yes. I must contribute to paying the bills, especially since my husband and I have a home improvement loan to pay off now. The home improvement loan was worth it. The new blue roof doesn't leak anymore. The windows are new and clean and more energy efficient . The dormer is prettier with the new wood added on to it. The front door is even working better since the new porch was built on the back of the house.
If only I didn't have bills to pay, I could stay home and write ...


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