Tuesday, April 04, 2006

It takes practice to write everyday. Writing takes practice to improve skills - both creative writing skills and grammar skills. Writing takes practice to put words on a blank sheet of paper.
My first outline for my first e-book or first published book is almost complete. The outline should have already been finished by now. What takes me so long to complete one writing assignment?
First of all, I am a perfectionist. I am afraid of making the wrong decisions. And I don't like to make mistakes. I don't mind for my manuscripts to be edited because there is always room for improvement. Criticism does not bother me as long as it is something positive and it is given in the right spirit.
When I first started writing in 1986, I could sit down in the space of one afternoon and write one good magazine article. Now, I think I am far too analytical about everything I do. I think about the "What if(s)?" too often.
However, now that I will soon be fifty years old, I am better able to throw caution to the wind and take more risks ...


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