Tuesday, April 11, 2006

It is so difficult to concentrate when hammers are pounding on the roof of the house! The noise is just unbelievable. I am not used to sharing my home space with anyone else during the day. I like to be by myself when I write. And I like to be by myself when I read, too.
I will be so glad when all the construction work is completed. At that time, then perhaps, my life will resume its normal routine again.
Yesterday, I was in town most of the day. When I returned home from town, they left. So that was good timing on my part.
Perhaps I can make it through one more week of constuction on the house. After all, the construction work does create a distraction from the "norm." Some household duties have to wait to be performed later in the day - which I have no complaints about that.
It's just that the construction work makes time management more difficult than ever. The only time it's quiet is when it is time for lunch.
However, while they eat lunch, I am also taking a break for lunch, too.
What is a normal routine??? Anyway???


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