Friday, April 07, 2006

Thank goodness, it is Friday! This week has been a difficult week with all the construction going on at the house. And it is supposed to continue into next week as well. It will probably start on Monday morning before 8:00 a.m.
I can hardly think much less get something written down on a blank sheet of paper!
Severe thunderstorms are coming today at approximately 11:00 a.m. or 12 noon.The contractor is in the process of getting half the roof installed before it starts raining again. It is just another race against time.
Plus, more rain is expected on Saturday. It seems like when Georgia is pounded with bad weather, it seems to arrive on the same days of the week - Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday - or even on Monday morning during rush hour traffic in Atlanta.
I don't think that spring is coming around any time soon, especially not with the weather patterns I've noticed recently on the news. The temperatures are heading down again too. The heat has already been turned on this morning. And I expect to use it again tonight when it is supposed to be already raining cats and dogs again ...


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