Friday, April 28, 2006

I keep making mistakes at work, and rather stupid mistakes, too! I am beginning to question my own intelligence.
Last night, I printed out the daily reports first. Then, I tried to take the cash register out to count the deposit. I could not take the cash register out because I had already printed the night's reports. So I could not count last night's deposit. I could not get the register ready for work the next morning.
I know I am slow about certain jobs, but quicker on other tasks and projects. This is true for everyone. Each person has a distinct set of abilities and gifts. Each person is an individual - set apart from the crowd.
I know one thing is certain - this job at the gas station is not for me. I will have to continue searching for another job. Search and research is more like it.
I am only working five hours next week - Monday night from 5:30 to 10:30 p.m. My boss, my former manager from Arby's, has hired enough people there now.
I will have to think of something else ...


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