Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I like the weather when it rains, especially when I am at home. However, I don't like when the light of the day turns into the darkness of night - when the sun is supposed to be shining. This indicates that bad weather is on its way here. It is raining right now.
So much for the weather bulletin.
I really cannot think of what to write about today. I think my brain has been overloaded recently with too much information.
There is just too much information in this day and age for one person to absorb. It was bad enough during my teenage years with the television, radio, books, and newspapers. Nevertheless, all the noise is much worse now than it was then. I like to live a peaceful life. There are just too many technological interruptions in our daily lives today.
I don't even own a cell phone. Cell phones are nice to have, but I can do without the extra noise. Driving a car is so much easier without having to deal with a cell phone.
It must be just my coming of age. I will be fifty years old next week ...


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