Monday, May 08, 2006

I have not kept a diary since the fifth grade. Only then, I wrote three or four entries in the diary. After that, I never used it again. I would like to find that diary just to see what was happening in my life at that particular time.
I was attending elementary school when I wrote in the diary. I think my elementary school years were probably the best school years I had. I enjoyed being at school because I had friends there and I was able to get away from the torment that my two brothers put me through when I was at home with them.
It was not only that I had friends at a school, but I had excellent teachers as well. If I saw my teachers at school, I also saw them at church every Sunday and Wednesday night too. Ours was a close community, like it is in any small town today - where everyone knows your personal business as well as your financial state. No one remained anonymous in my hometown.
If you had to keep a secret, it could not be kept with all the gossip spreading from one person to the next person in town.
Maybe that is why I have learned to keep my mouth shut. So I will not get into trouble with my spoken words. However, written words are something entirely different ...


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