Friday, May 05, 2006

I thought Mother's Day was this weekend. But I was wrong. Mother's Day is next weekend. Am I getting old or what? This year has really flown by fast. I cannot believe Mother's Day is here already.
Only yesterday it was January 1, 2006. This is what happens when the aging process starts. The days and months and years are gone too quickly. What will happen to the time I suppose I think I have left on this earth?
Time is precious. I never seem to have enough time. And I do not have any children. What if I had become a mother? Would I have been able to manage my time better then?
I don't know. I have a time management problem now.
When I was in high school and college, I had no problems getting my homework assignments done on time. If I had an assignment due, it was turned in.
It would be nice to go back to those days when I was younger. But it won't help me now.
I need to get rid of procrastination, that is for sure ...


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