Monday, May 01, 2006

Last night I found out why I have been making mistakes at work. I have been using the wrong reports at night to close out the store. I am supposed to use the close shift report at night instead of the daily closing report. The manager uses the daily closing report on a different sheet of paper and turns in all the daily reports on the next day with yesterday's deposits.
At least now I know that I haven't been losing my mind. It takes such a long time to learn a new job. No wonder I have wanted to stay at home and work from home all these many years.
I was not able to sleep last night because of the information I found out yesterday evening. One of the employees at work stole one gallon of milk and only confessed it when the manager and her husband were taking out the videotapes at work and were going home to review them. She also paid for the gallon of milk on the spot, too.
Why do people steal from their employers when they make enough money to pay their monthly bills? I don't understand their need to steal from work when it is the taxpayers who suffer when they steal the money or food they think they want.
Life is a big fat mystery, indeed ...


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