Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I think I am through with working at the gas station now. I promised my manager - actually, my friend - one month of working for her and that time has finally come. Starting from the week of April 11, I think I have been there almost one month.
This type of job was just not my style. The owners of the gas station did not even care to train my manager so she could carry out her business duties properly. So, it was basically the untrained training the untrained on this job. And when the owners don't take a special interest in their business, why should I?
Any owner of a business should run it correctly. The owners did not even pay for someone to come from Atlanta to train my manager on how to perform her duties at work. This is poor management on the part of the owner.
If I had a business, I would definitely make sure that all the employees know what they are doing and why they are doing it.
I have figured it out. I need a business plan for my writing career and I need to stick to my own work schedule at home.


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