Friday, May 19, 2006

I was in town about all day yesterday so I did not have the free time to spend my normal working hours on the computer. I went to get my pap smear done and get a voucher for a mammogram. I did not have to pay for my pap smear because I qualified for a specific program for women fifty years and older. Maybe there is a certain advantage to getting older!
I am experiencing pelvic pain during menopause. The nurse thought I might have another ovarian cyst. However, she did not find anything yesterday morning to indicate that anything was wrong. So I guess that is good news. Nevertheless, I am supposed to keep a record of what is going on now. I hope I can remember to keep the daily and monthly records before I have to return back to the doctor.
I have always been slow but I think that after turning fifty, I am moving slower than ever before. The things I want to get done are just not getting accomplished. Perhaps I am going through another period of adjustment. It's like my body changes with each new decade.
Who said life begins at 40? They must have been mistaken ...


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