Thursday, May 11, 2006

This weekend I will be spending the night with my brother and sister-in-law in Peachtree City. My husband and I have never had the oppportunity to be overnight with them so we are looking forward to visiting with them.
I will be visiting my mother on Saturday at the nursing home in Jackson. Both my brothers will be there too. This will be a mini-family reunion for us. I have not seen my mother or my two brothers since Christmas of last year.
My mother was not the best mother in the world nor was she the worst. She could have done better for herself and her family, but she just did not know how to accomplish greater things while raising a family of her own. [She was the valedictorian of her high school class. She could have gone to college and become a schoolteacher like she wanted to do - before she got married.]
Nevertheless ... I grew up in a divorced household. She was so angry at my father that she became very bitter about the divorce, thereby, causing misery for the rest of us living at home with her. She kept her children away from their father, who became the missing piece in the puzzle of my family's life.
I did not meet my father until I was thirty years old. Maybe that is why I hesitate to celebrate Mother's Day each year .


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