Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I wish that I had had a computer when I was in high school. I think I would have learned to type much better. I enjoyed learning how to type. I just did not enjoy the typing class as much as I did other classes.
My favorite class in high school was Spanish. I had the best Spanish teacher ever! She was about my height (four feet, eleven inches). However, she ruled the classroom with strict discipline. We could only talk Spanish in her classroom, so her students couldn't talk in class until we had learned enough Spanish to make conversation.
She even took some of her students, including me, on a trip to Spain for one week. And she was the only adult on the trip. She was mighty brave to be so small.
I loved Spanish so much that I wanted to major in it in college. However, my mother insisted that I become an elementary schoolteacher. I could do anything I wanted to do as long as I did what she told me to do. Does this sound familiar to anyone? My mother disagreed with each and every other career I mentioned except that of becoming a schoolteacher.
Just think of the job opportunities that I would have had today had I majored in Spanish! Who could have foreseen it in the 1970's?


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