Thursday, June 22, 2006

God does answer prayer. Of that, I am certain that He listens to me when I pray to Him.
Yesterday was a bad day for Dale, my gray tabby cat. When I left home to run errands in town yesterday, I did not realize how sick Dale was yesterday morning.
Vomit was all over the bedspread (quilt) and he had also experienced trouble going to the bathroom. Dale did not want to use the litter box. Instead, he had used it on the bed (which is rare for Dale).
Dale did not eat anything at all yesterday. He even refused to eat his can food. And Dale never refuses to eat his can food! Finally, last night he drank a few sips of milk. And that is all Dale had to eat during the last 24 hours.
I prayed with all of my heart last night that God would help Dale feel better this (Thursday) morning. When I got up, Dale ate his can food from last night and was able to drink some water after eating some of his food.
If Dale had not eaten anything this morning, I would have had to take him to the vet before I went to work this afternoon. And that would have really upset me today. Dale is my best buddy and I would not have been able to handle another crisis this week.
This was a miracle for Dale as far as I am concerned! You see, Dale is sixteen (16) years old and he has led an active life as a kitty cat so far. He is still able to jump on the couch and on the bed and fly across the room - even at his age.
Please believe me when I say, God does answer prayer and give us tiny miracles on a daily basis! Even when I don't deserve it ...


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