Tuesday, June 20, 2006

There was an interesting article about blogging for people over the age of 50 in the AARP Magazine this past month. The article, "Every Blog Has Its Say", quotes "Only 5 percent of bloggers are over 50, according to a recent study, but most Web experts believe that number will grow."
I did not know that I was among the 5 percent of bloggers over the age of 50. It goes on to say that "Blogster.com, a site where users create their own Web pages, says 22 percent of its bloggers are now older than 50, a 20 percent increase since October 2005."
Perhaps I am one of the few, age 50 and over, who likes to write down their thoughts on the computer. This article encourages me to continue on with my blogging. It tells me that I have something important to say and something important to share with people of all ages. I have a voice and I don't have to be silent any longer. I can speak my mind and let other people know how I feel.
Most of all, I can tell you what I am thinking ...


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