Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Things sure have changed since I have turned fifty this year. I can put things down and forget where I put them. This morning I thought I had lost my new eyeglasses that I purchased in January, 2006. I cannot afford to pay for another pair of eyeglasses.
I looked and searched everywhere for them and did not see them anywhere in the house. As a matter of fact, I decided to use the downstairs reading eyeglasses in the living room because I could not find my pair of eyeglasses.
And guess where the eyeglasses were? My pair of eyeglasses was in the glass case for the downstairs reading eyeglasses! And I don't even remember putting them in the glass case downstairs (before I drove to town this morning).There were two pairs of eyeglasses in that one case. How could I forget something like this?
I hardly ever put my eyeglasses in that case. I always use the new one upstairs next to my computer. I did not think that my memory was that bad, however, it sure seems to be failing fast these days ...


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