Sunday, June 11, 2006

I have not been able to get on the Internet since Wednesday. Yipes! I have missed about two weeks of being able to write everyday. That hurts. Ouch!
This situation with the dial-up is getting to be a constant headache. I don't know what is causing the problems. Usually, though, during the summertime, the leaves on the trees interfere with our ability to pick up certain channels on the Dish Network. And we are having the same problem again this spring - which is nothing unusual in itself.
But I have never really had any interference in being able to pick up the Internet on my computer. I don't think it should be the new roof that's been installed or any of the other household improvements we've made this year.
Perhaps it is time to re-evaluate the time spent on dial-up and go with something new. The telephone company here (in this rural county) has DSL, but it is expensive. The first six months are low payments, but then, after that come the regular monthly payments of up to $50.00. The customer also has to pay for the extra installation fees too. There must be an easier way to do this without breaking my household budget ...


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