Friday, June 23, 2006

Today is Friday and I am off today. I will not have too much time to write or do anything else next week. Tuesday and Wednesday are the only days I have off in the following week.
One person was fired and another person quit working at the gas station.
So, my manager and I are starting to train one new person for the job at the end of this week and also during next week. I really don't know what shifts she will be working. But, it will be nice to get back to normal at work once she has been trained to do her job. Then, I should have more days off.
However, my paycheck for the next two weeks will be a fine one with a much bigger salary. I need all the money I can get to pay off my debts. Although I do not owe too much money on my credit card, I wish that I could go ahead and pay it off immediately. Maybe then, I wouldn't worry so much about paying my other bills.
I often wonder what it would feel like not to be worried about paying the monthly bills. But that is probably something I will have to handle for the rest of my life. I think I will always be struggling with money management until the day I die.
Such is life. Live and learn ...


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