Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I am at a loss for words. It has been such a long time since I have been able to "actually" sit down and record my thoughts.
My health has not been good for the past three or four weeks - due to overscheduling at work, menopause, and a sore tooth.
I am currently experiencing a toothache on the left side of my mouth and it has been difficult to eat anything (that isn't considered to be soft food) for one week now.
The pain was so bad that I had to go to the dentist this week.
The dentist said nothing appeared to be wrong at the first "official" examination of my teeth. Nevertheless, only after x-rays had been taken, did he notice that I had two cavities - which were the cause of my pain.
One cavity is sitting between two of my teeth. I never realized that cavities could form between two teeth, but the dentist said this is a common occurrence.
I remember having cavities as a child, however, I do not remember them being so painful. As a dental patient, I must wait for at least three weeks before the first cavity can be repaired by the dentist. And, too, the dentist did not give me anything for my pain and suffering.
So, I must acquire patience for yet another health problem ...


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