Thursday, July 06, 2006

I have been working nearly full-time hours at the gas station for the past two weeks. And I will have to work another one like this next week. Barely able to actually get two days off per week, I have not had time to do anything I like.
For example, reading and writing have been removed from my daily schedules ...
Nevertheless, I am still searching for that one hour each day to specifically work on my writing projects. And I am also looking for that one hour each day to focus on reading and meditation.
I have lost my quiet hours of the day during each week for the past two weeks. And this will probably repeat itself again next week too.
There is just not enough time to do everything I want to do at this time in my life. Not only that, but my health is also failing due to the stress of working a part-time job outside my home. Did I really say part-time? Well, these part-time hours have developed to an almost full-time capacity now.
Do all part-time jobs develop into full-time hours these days? I am beginning to wonder about these particular things in life.
The working forty hours a week is good for the paycheck, but bad for the soul. There really is no time at all and I am childless too ...


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