Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I have not had much time to think - much less, to even write anything during the past three weeks. I do not like to work five days a week and have only two days off. I cannot get everything done in the two days that I am off work.
I honestly do not see how two-income families with children make it these days. There is too much going on at the same time and it is a distraction to all of us - both for men and women. Three other words that mean the same as distraction are: confusion, inattention, and insanity. My dear husband, whom I love very much, has not even noticed that I have had trouble keeping up with my housework and my work schedule on a weekly basis. He did not even notice that I was not feeling well last week.
Of course, my husband has too many things on his mind right now too. He has too much work to be done in and around the house - and not enough time for all of his household chores - even on the weekends.
Nevertheless, my work schedule changes to a Monday, Wednesday, and Friday work week - starting on Monday of next week.
I sure hope this new employee works out. Cross your fingers!
If not, I am back to the same old work schedule - which in itself - leaves me no free time at all ...


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