Wednesday, July 26, 2006

It is good to back here again - writing two days in the same week. This is considered to be a miracle to me.
The state of my mental and physical exhaustion cannot be fully expressed. I have never felt so drained, empty, or used up in my whole life.
Lunchtime is almost here. However, all I can eat is a bowl of soup and some potato chips - due to my neverending toothache. I have even started drinking Ensure so that I will hopefully remain healthy until my first cavity is fixed - on August 9.
My manager has just begun giving me extra days off at work now during this week. And it is so nice and peaceful. I just love solitude and tranquillity and serenity. I like calm waters and gentle breezes.
I just don't understand how city folk live and work in the urban world - when there is so much peace and quiet in the countryside.
I guess I will always be a country girl at heart. After all, I was raised on a farm ...


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