Friday, April 28, 2006

I keep making mistakes at work, and rather stupid mistakes, too! I am beginning to question my own intelligence.
Last night, I printed out the daily reports first. Then, I tried to take the cash register out to count the deposit. I could not take the cash register out because I had already printed the night's reports. So I could not count last night's deposit. I could not get the register ready for work the next morning.
I know I am slow about certain jobs, but quicker on other tasks and projects. This is true for everyone. Each person has a distinct set of abilities and gifts. Each person is an individual - set apart from the crowd.
I know one thing is certain - this job at the gas station is not for me. I will have to continue searching for another job. Search and research is more like it.
I am only working five hours next week - Monday night from 5:30 to 10:30 p.m. My boss, my former manager from Arby's, has hired enough people there now.
I will have to think of something else ...

Thursday, April 27, 2006

It was 40 degrees when I woke up this morning. The heat in the furnace has even been turned on today. I am beginning to wonder if the weather will ever warm up in the mountains this year.
I am going to get my first paycheck from the gas station this Thursday afternoon. I will have to drive into town at 12:30 p.m. so that I can go to the bank and get something to eat before I clock in at 2:30 p.m. I will be working the night shift again - hopefully for the last time this week.
Next week, maybe, perhaps, I will be able to get into a normal routine at home again. Whatever that may be ...
The flannel sheets are still on the bed. Shouldn't winter be over by now? I usually prefer the cooler temperatures at this time of the year. However, I am ready for warmer temperatures this spring.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I like the weather when it rains, especially when I am at home. However, I don't like when the light of the day turns into the darkness of night - when the sun is supposed to be shining. This indicates that bad weather is on its way here. It is raining right now.
So much for the weather bulletin.
I really cannot think of what to write about today. I think my brain has been overloaded recently with too much information.
There is just too much information in this day and age for one person to absorb. It was bad enough during my teenage years with the television, radio, books, and newspapers. Nevertheless, all the noise is much worse now than it was then. I like to live a peaceful life. There are just too many technological interruptions in our daily lives today.
I don't even own a cell phone. Cell phones are nice to have, but I can do without the extra noise. Driving a car is so much easier without having to deal with a cell phone.
It must be just my coming of age. I will be fifty years old next week ...

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

My body and my mind finally crashed this morning. I did not get out of bed until 11:00 a.m. No wonder, I had worked 65 hours during the past two weeks at the gas station. That's why I am so tired.
However, my paycheck will be nice and fat - for a change. I will be able to put more money in my checking account. And I will be able to survive to pay the monthly bills.
As long as there is money in the bank, I can make time to write without being questioned by my husband or anyone else for that matter. Isn't that a shame?
I want to be myself, but I am not allowed to be myself. That goes for writers as well as for actors.
Denzel Washington quotes this little piece of wisdom on television all the time - with one exception. He uses the words "you" and "yourself" instead of "I" and "myself".
Go, Denzel ...

Monday, April 24, 2006

I think I will be able to write something daily this week - Monday through Friday. Every part-time job I've had has interfered with my hopes and dreams of writing. This one is no different from the rest of the other jobs I've had.
I've got to learn to plan to write and write to plan each and every week - 24 hours/7 days - for the remainder of this year. Do you know how difficult that is for me?
I am not able to plan ahead for setbacks. I am too slow to bounce back as quickly from setbacks. I experience depression too easily and feel too defeated to carry on my work.
I can tell this a Monday morning. I can that this part-time job really has gotten me down again. This whole month of April has not been good.
Rainy days and Mondays always get me down ...

Thursday, April 20, 2006

I have to readjust my schedule at home, now that I am working part-time hours during the week. Even working part-time hours throws my schedule at home off course.
I don't think men realize what an adjustment it is for a woman - especially when that woman is in the process of building her writing business or career at home. My husband must have money in the bank. Of course, I do too. I have to have money in the bank to pay for my writing supplies.
Oh yes. I must contribute to paying the bills, especially since my husband and I have a home improvement loan to pay off now. The home improvement loan was worth it. The new blue roof doesn't leak anymore. The windows are new and clean and more energy efficient . The dormer is prettier with the new wood added on to it. The front door is even working better since the new porch was built on the back of the house.
If only I didn't have bills to pay, I could stay home and write ...

Monday, April 17, 2006

It has been six whole days since my last blog. Yipes!
I have another job but I definitely don't like this one. This job is not the one I had in mind once I quit working at Arby's last year.
My former manager at Arby's is quitting her other job in Tate to manage a gasoline station/convenience store here in town. So, being that I was still out of work, I was the first cashier she hired.
The hours are extremely weird - from 4:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. or - from 1:30 p.m. until close. I do not like to close. Neither am I fond of opening the store that early in the morning. I never opened at Arby's, however, I did help close two or three times on that job.
I do not like to sell cigarettes or beer. I am not a smoker. I do not drink, either. So there you have it.
I am giving this particular job one month before I quit. I know I need money to pay the bills, but I don't need so much stress in my life at this time.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

It is so difficult to concentrate when hammers are pounding on the roof of the house! The noise is just unbelievable. I am not used to sharing my home space with anyone else during the day. I like to be by myself when I write. And I like to be by myself when I read, too.
I will be so glad when all the construction work is completed. At that time, then perhaps, my life will resume its normal routine again.
Yesterday, I was in town most of the day. When I returned home from town, they left. So that was good timing on my part.
Perhaps I can make it through one more week of constuction on the house. After all, the construction work does create a distraction from the "norm." Some household duties have to wait to be performed later in the day - which I have no complaints about that.
It's just that the construction work makes time management more difficult than ever. The only time it's quiet is when it is time for lunch.
However, while they eat lunch, I am also taking a break for lunch, too.
What is a normal routine??? Anyway???

Friday, April 07, 2006

Thank goodness, it is Friday! This week has been a difficult week with all the construction going on at the house. And it is supposed to continue into next week as well. It will probably start on Monday morning before 8:00 a.m.
I can hardly think much less get something written down on a blank sheet of paper!
Severe thunderstorms are coming today at approximately 11:00 a.m. or 12 noon.The contractor is in the process of getting half the roof installed before it starts raining again. It is just another race against time.
Plus, more rain is expected on Saturday. It seems like when Georgia is pounded with bad weather, it seems to arrive on the same days of the week - Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday - or even on Monday morning during rush hour traffic in Atlanta.
I don't think that spring is coming around any time soon, especially not with the weather patterns I've noticed recently on the news. The temperatures are heading down again too. The heat has already been turned on this morning. And I expect to use it again tonight when it is supposed to be already raining cats and dogs again ...

Thursday, April 06, 2006

It's been one big day for me. I went to the bank and cashed the first check I've had since quitting work. The two items on ebay were shipped this morning. I dropped off other yard sale stuff and junk to help someone get a liver donation. My hair is beautiful now, since I've had a haircut. And I ate lunch out today! What more could a girl ask for?
A lot has been accomplished in one day. That is more than I have done in a while.
The only bad thing was yesterday morning. I did not receive the last job that I had applied for - again. I have turned in many applications, however, I am not experiencing much luck.
I am not applying at any more restaurants so that, by itself, cuts out a lot of job opportunities here.
Small towns are fantastic about less noise and less traffic and clean fresh air. However, small towns do not provide enough job opportunities for everyone.
There are numerous jobs for men, but less openings for women in the workplace. I mean I am just not a Home Depot fanatic ...

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The contractors are here. The home improvement(s) are being started today, which means that there will be more noise around here than usual. However, a new roof - with added insulation -and more energy efficient windows are needed in this log home.
This log home was purchased second-hand in November of 1992. It was probably built in the mid 1970's to the mid 1980's. So this house is experiencing growing pains of its own.
I live in the country because I like peace and solitude. I like to breathe fresh air, especially fresh mountain air. Fresh mountain air makes a big difference. The air is cooler here unless there is a tremendous heat wave approaching ...
The mountains usually reflect the weather conditions. If there is snow, the mountain peaks are covered in snow white clouds. If there is rain, snow white grayish fog engulfs the mountain peaks. If there is sunshine, the sky is blue and sometimes the blue skies have no clouds above the mountain tops.
There is nothing like living in the countryside ...

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

It takes practice to write everyday. Writing takes practice to improve skills - both creative writing skills and grammar skills. Writing takes practice to put words on a blank sheet of paper.
My first outline for my first e-book or first published book is almost complete. The outline should have already been finished by now. What takes me so long to complete one writing assignment?
First of all, I am a perfectionist. I am afraid of making the wrong decisions. And I don't like to make mistakes. I don't mind for my manuscripts to be edited because there is always room for improvement. Criticism does not bother me as long as it is something positive and it is given in the right spirit.
When I first started writing in 1986, I could sit down in the space of one afternoon and write one good magazine article. Now, I think I am far too analytical about everything I do. I think about the "What if(s)?" too often.
However, now that I will soon be fifty years old, I am better able to throw caution to the wind and take more risks ...

Monday, April 03, 2006

My mother-in-law is seventy-four years old today. She became a widow in December of 1991. Her husband died of cancer at the age of sixty. On my husband's side of the family, most of the men die in December. It is a family trait.
While there is no good time to die, I think November or December is the worst time of the year to die. During this time of year, there are too many family celebrations. Expectations are high - all family members are required to participate in the activities - regardless of personal circumstances.
It is as if there is no time to mourn a loss during the Thanksgiving/Christmas season. No
wonder so many people experience depression at this time of year.
After my father-in-law died, I never celebrated Christmas at my mother-in-law's house again.
My husband is approaching sixty now. He has seven more years until he reaches the age of sixty. My prayer is that he will enjoy his retirement years.
As my husband grows older, my hope is that he will be able to live longer than sixty years. However, I must and will accept whatever happens when the time comes, God willing ...